The Wage Gap For Latina Workers Is Still 54 Cents That’S Troubling.
When it comes to a population of individuals, the group may have some common characteristics, but each individual woman, her family, and her health care team can have a unique set of issues that affect the medical and surgical treatment of her breast cancer. Providing access to a culturally appropriate community health worker during breast cancer screenings may impact elements of patient care and satisfaction among Hispanic/Latina women, Vanderbilt University Medical Center researchers report in American Journal of Roentgenology. Furthermore, women pursuing college degrees are on average older than their male counterparts, and tend to go into lower-paying career fields at disproportionate rates. Women also hold an unequal share of the nation’s outstanding student-loan debt — two-thirds of the pie, according to the American Association of University Women — despite the fact that fewer women have college degrees.
If a worker is underpaid in one job, and their next job bases their new salary on previous salary, then workers who are more likely to face discriminatory pay at any given employment may face the cumulative effects of this discrimination throughout their careers. Both collective bargaining and banning salary history seek to balance information asymmetries that benefit employers. The intersectional structural barriers faced by Hispanic women that lead to reduced wages affect both their own lifetime earnings, as well as the economic security of their families.
In a recent article from the International Business Times, Latino immigrant students are falling behind in academic achievements and graduation rates compared to other students. Moreover, these statistics apply to Hispanics that have not recently migrated to the United States, implying that the American education system is not meeting the needs of Latino students as a population.
Reasons For Latina Migration
With a national circulation of 150,000 and a readership of nearly 600,000, LATINA Style reaches both the seasoned professional and the young Latina entering the workforce for the first time. The culturally sensitive editorial environment we provide showcases Latina achievements in all areas, including business, science, civic affairs, education, entertainment, sports, and the arts. We also offer technology tips and reviews, entertainment reviews, travel recommendations, investment guidance, beauty tips, food and drink recipes, automotive updates, and career advice—in summary, all of the things that impact the quality of life.
The Institute for Women’s Policy Research shows in a study in 2008, that Latina immigrants residing in Phoenix, Northern Virginia, and Atlanta all have a lower high school completion rates when compared to their male Latino immigrant counterparts. Latinas also fall behind Latino immigrants in their likelihood to attend 1–4 years of college. However, in Northern Virginia and Atlanta a higher percentage of Latina women complete 5+ years of college than Latino men do.
In Lean In, Sheryl Sandberg shares her personal stories, uses research to shine a light on gender differences, and offers practical advice to help women achieve their goals. I cover City Heights, a neighborhood at the intersection of immigration, gentrification, and neighborhood-led health care initiatives.
Why do Hispanics love to ignore the existence of non-Spanish speaking latinas? The constant erasure of afro-Latinos and those of us who don’t come from Spanish speaking countries in these articles is horrendous.
- Latina women experienced higher rates of human papillomavirus, or HPV, than white women as of 2010 and twice the death rate from cervical cancer.
- The level of educational attainment for Latinas has risen in the past few years, yet it still sits at a level significantly lower than that of white women.
- Graduation rates for Latinas were at 31.3 percent in 2008, still significantly lower than graduation rates for white women, at 45.8 percent.
Black and Latina women have long faced high rates of poverty, unemployment, poor health conditions, and material hardship, due largely to institutional racism and sexism, and the current health and economic crises have exacerbated these conditions. On top of the stress from trying to put enough food on the table and pay the rent and utility bills, many now live in fear of contracting the coronavirus and must take on greater responsibility for educating their children. Black and Latino people are about three times as likely as white people to contract COVID-19.
There is a significant lack of literature on the home life experience of and how it may change with immigration to the United States. In the United States, female employment has become an increasingly important determinant of family economic well-being, especially among disadvantaged populations such as Latinas. Female employment offers these women more autonomy, the chance to support themselves without relying on a spouse. The Affordable Care Act does not cover non-citizens nor does it cover immigrants with less than 5 years of residency.
Using the art of photography, she gave POC with mental health issues a voice and successfully addressed the homogenized stereotypes about mental health problems, and stigmas in the communities of color. NHBA is a national network of undergraduate student organizations dedicated to helping Hispanics launch successful business careers. Through our family of 41 chapters, they provide career development, professional networking, and community building opportunities to their undergraduate members. If health care and support for Hispanic/Latina women with breast cancer is to improve, breast cancer awareness outreach needs to happen in communities where Hispanic/Latina women gather for meetings or social events, such as schools, houses of worship, and community centers. Materials need to be in Spanish and community educators, preferably survivors, ideally need to be an ethnic and cultural match to the women living in those communities.
Additionally, estimates of virus prevalence need to be interpreted carefully until studies directly comparing pregnant women and the general population are completed. The research team measured levels of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies to estimate rates of exposure to the novel coronavirus in pregnant women cared for at two Philadelphia hospitals. They found that, overall, 6.2 percent of these women possessed antibodies to the virus, but with significant variation across racial and ethnic groups — 9.7 percent in Black women, 10.4 percent in Hispanic/Latina women, 2.0 percent in White/Non-Hispanic women, and 0.9 percent in Asian women.
The IWPR states that growing organizations are currently providing English tutors and access to education. Programs specifically for Latina immigrants now use an adaptation tactic of teaching, rather than an assimilation ideology to help this population adjust to American life. Programs like these include Casa Latina Programs, providing education on English, workers’ rights, and the consumer culture of America. Of the Latinas participating in the labor force, 32.2% work in the service sector, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This percentage is significantly higher than that of white women, who fall at 20%.
Lucy Spalluto, MD, MPH, left, worked with Angelica Deaton, a community health worker, to engage Hispanic/Latina women in mammography screening services. And notably, nearly half of black women (48%) and Latinas (47%) report having been mistaken for administrative or custodial staff, an experience far less common for white (32%) and Asian-American (23%) women scientists. We conducted in-depth interviews with 60 female scientists and surveyed 557 female scientists, both with help from the Association for Women in Science. These studies provide an important picture of how gender bias plays out in everyday workplace interactions.
During this time, more single women and more families began to migrate along with the working males who had already been migrating for several decades. This difference in gender migration is largely attributed to the difference in Latino and Latina work opportunities in the United States. Prior to the 1970s, the majority of the Latino migratory work was agriculturally based. However, with the end of the Bracero program, the United States policy on migration within the hemisphere shifted from encouraging primarily working males to migrate.